Privacy policy

Service Maritime and privacy

Service Maritime is committed to protecting your personal data. In this Privacy Statement, we aim to provide clear and transparent information on how we handle personal data. We make every effort to guarantee your privacy and therefore handle personal data with care. Service Maritime complies in all cases with the applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation. This entails that we will in any case: -process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which they are provided, these purposes and types of personal data are described in this privacy statement. -processing of your personal data is limited to only those data that are minimally necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

  • ask for your explicit consent if we need it for purposes other than the processing of your personal data within our system for carrying out the certification work commissioned by you from Service Maritiem and communication with you in this regard.
  • have taken appropriate technical and/or organisational measures to ensure the security of your personal data.
  • Do not pass on personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were provided.
  • Are aware of your rights regarding your personal data, want to make you aware of them and respect them. As Service Maritime, we are responsible for processing your personal data.
  • If, after reading our privacy statement, or in a more general sense, you have any questions about it or wish to contact us, you can do so using the contact details below:

Service Maritiem

Trekvaart 45,  8271 AA IJsselmuiden

Privacy policy, security and more

The Service Maritiem website terms and conditions apply to the Service Maritiem website The Service Maritiem privacy statement applies to certification work to be performed by Service Maritiem and its employees on inland waterway vessels and necessary registration of owners’ name, address and contact details. Do you have any questions about the website and/or the privacy statement or services of Service Maritime? Please contact us at

1. General

1.1 Service Maritiem takes the utmost care in compiling and maintaining the information provided on the website However, Service Maritiem cannot guarantee that this information is always completely accurate, complete and current. The information provided on and via our website is only intended as general information and no rights can be derived from it.

1.2 The content of the website can be used to better understand privacy regulations of Service Maritiem and its work with regard to carrying out certification inspections of inland vessels.

1.3 Service Maritiem is not liable for damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of (or the non-use of) this website, including damages caused by bugs, scripts, viruses or any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information, unless the damages result from intent or gross negligence of Service Maritiem.

1.4 Service Maritiem is not responsible for the way in which use is made of the functionalities and information made available.

1.5 Service Maritiem is not liable for incorrect factual circumstances provided by the user.

2. Links to and from other websites

2.1 This website offers links to external websites and providers. Service Maritiem is not liable for the use or content of internet sites referred to or providers linked to the Service Maritiem website.

3. Copyrights and intellectual property rights

3.1 The copyright of this website and all information contained therein is owned by Service Maritiem or by third parties who have given permission for this (visual) material to be made available to NBKB. It is therefore prohibited to copy, disclose and/or make changes to the website (and parts thereof) electronically or otherwise without prior permission from NBKB.

4. Applicable law & competent court

4.1 These General Terms and Conditions are governed exclusively by Dutch law.

4.2 In the event of any dispute, the Court of Rotterdam shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

4.3 Service Maritime reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use from time to time. You should therefore check them regularly.

5. Privacy statement

What do we process personal data for?

Your personal data will be processed by Service Maritiem for the following purposes:

  • To be able to communicate with you about the (re)certification you commissioned from Service Maritiem;
  • To be able to include the correct (legally required) owner and owner name and address details in the certificate.
  • To be able to inform you of the expiry of inspection and/or certificate validity periods in a timely manner.
  • We use your e-mail address to send you the newsletter several times a year.

For the above purposes, we may request the following personal data from you:

  • First name/initials;
  • Insertion; -Surname;
  • E-mail address;
  • Domestic/ business address
  • Ship’s name and european number
  • Telephone number
  • Cadast registration.
Disclosure to third parties

We may provide the data you provide to us to third parties if this is necessary to fulfil the purposes described above. For example, we use a third party for:

  • to take care of the (financial) administration;
  • For the performance of an agreement with you;
  • Maintenance of NBKB’s Inland Navigation Certification System (BCS);
  • System management of the IT system and office automation;
  • The accreditation of Service Maritiem;
  • The mandate of Service Maritime;
  • Issuing certificates.
  • The companies involved in the aforementioned work for Service Maritiem or which, through their activities, may have access to files containing customer data, have all signed a processing agreement to guarantee data privacy. We never pass on personal data to other parties with whom we have not signed a processing agreement. Naturally, we make the necessary agreements with these parties (processors) to guarantee the security of your personal data.
  • Furthermore, we will not provide the data you provide to other parties, unless required and permitted by law;
    to contact you by telephone or e-mail to inform you about our services and important (new) regulations;
    to send newsletters, brochures and invitations, for this we use the software
  • Mailpoet; to fulfil our legal obligations;
    this site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

We may also share personal data with third parties if you give us written consent. We do not provide personal data to parties located outside the EU.

Retention period Service Maritime does not retain personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or required by law.


We have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data of yours from unlawful processing.

For example, we have taken the following measures:

  • All persons who may have access to your data on behalf of Service Maritiem are bound to secrecy.
  • We maintain a username and password policy on all our systems;
  • We pseudonymise and ensure the encryption of personal data where appropriate;
  • We make backups of personal data to restore it in case of physical or technical incidents;
  • We regularly test and evaluate our measures;
  • Our employees are informed about the importance of protecting personal data;
  • For sending our newsletter, we use the software Mailpoet.

All persons who may have access to your data on behalf of Service Maritiem are bound to secrecy.
We maintain a username and password policy on all our systems;
We pseudonymise and ensure the encryption of personal data where appropriate;
We make backups of personal data to restore it in case of physical or technical incidents;
We regularly test and evaluate our measures;
Our employees are informed about the importance of protecting personal data;
For sending our newsletter, we use the software Mailpoet.

Rights regarding your data You have the right to access, correct or delete the personal data we hold about you.

You can also object to the processing of all or part of your personal data by us or one of our processors.

You also have the right to have us transfer the data you have provided to yourself or directly to another party if you wish. We may ask you to identify yourself before we can comply with the aforementioned requests.

You should be aware that without being able to make use of the (legally) required personal data, Service Maritiem cannot properly carry out the (re)certification work commissioned by you.


If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, please contact us about this. You always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Authority, which is the supervisory authority in the field of privacy. If you have any questions or comments as a result of our privacy statement, please contact us!

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