Maritime Expertise
Sailing passenger and recreational/ pleasure craft with certification through the NBKB!
Commercial shipping
In the commercial shipping industry, you are always under certification. Service Maritime can help you with that.
commercial sailing
With over 35 years of experience in commercial sailing and cargo shipping, I am Rob Peetoom your partner in certification of your vessel.
recreational boating
Since 2019, certification has become mandatory for a specific group of ships in recreational boating.
Vakantie periode 25 juli t/m 29 augustus
Service Maritiem - ROB PEETOOM
My name is Rob Peetoom and I am an independent expert on mast & rigging inspections in the sailing industry. I can help you with mast & rigging inspections. As an associated mandated expert by ILenT, I work together with the NBKB. I also do inspections relating to hull and safety of pleasure craft in inland shipping. Thickness measurement of the hull and safety inspections, looking for practical solutions that comply with the law.
Our expertise
With over 30 years of experience in maritime and inland shipping and now working as an expert, I am happy to help you with inspections of your vessel and, if necessary, certification.

Make sure your certification is up to date and get your vessel inspected in time, because too late already means re-certification with major modifications to your vessel.

Log in to Knowledge Base and get the 2021 Inventory List. A handy tool you can benefit from.
Cost inspection
If you want to know the cost of an inspection on board, please check further under rates.
Mast and rigging
In commercial shipping, the requirement is for mast and rigging to be inspected every 2.5 years. Every 5 years, the mast (wood and steel) must be presented ashore for inspection. After approval of the inspection, the vessel will receive a certificate that is legally valid.
If you run into a situation you are unsure about or your certificate expires soon, please feel free to contact us.
Hull inspection
With a steel vessel, the first step is always to tap the vessel to discover any weak or suspicious spots.
Also on the inside, the state of the ship is examined as closely as possible. Namely corrosion… This almost always comes from inside.
After that, the thickness of the steel or iron is measured with an ultrasonic measuring instrument
Gas approval for residential and pleasure craft
Sad but true, accidents involving gas on board pleasure boats continue to cause casualties. explosion, fire and carbon monoxide poisoning cause casualties, sometimes fatal, every year.
It is therefore important that your Gas installations are safe and properly installed and thus inspected.
Send a message and share your experience with others. I really appreciate how you feel about the expertise.